David Huang Uncategorized New E-commerce section

New E-commerce section

Greetings and thanks again to all you who have subscribed to my site. As many of you may know already, I am working on producing some jigsaw puzzles. Right now they should be in the process of getting manufactured, though it will likely be a few more weeks yet before I have them on hand to start selling. As part of this new venture though I realized I had to have a more efficient way to handle sales and shipping of lower cost/profit items. So I have tackled the task of setting up an e-commerce section of my website.

In the process of this I’ve made some other changes to the look of the site to try and make all the text more easily read, esp. the parts using the colored fonts I can’t see to change.

Since I was setting up the store for the puzzles already I thought I might as well try making a section to carry the vessels I happen to have on hand at home too. Right now with most of my galleries closed due to Covid-19 that happens to be quite a few pieces.

I do have the 4 jigsaw puzzles up on the site, but they will all be “out of stock” until I actually get the stock. I’ll send out a short notice when I do have them available.

Thanks everyone!

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