Greetings to all you wonderful folks subscribing to my site! I’ve got a few things to share with you this evening. First, the most exciting news is that I’ve finished
Author: huang
New workshop postedNew workshop posted
Greetings to all of you subscribing to my website. Thanks for your interest in what I do. In my last note I mentioned that I had a workshop in Colorado
New Workshops Posted!New Workshops Posted!
Greetings to all you subscribing to my website! I’m happy to announce two workshops that are now open for registration and there is one coming up which I hope will
New Group of Vessels PostedNew Group of Vessels Posted
Greetings to all you wonderful folks subscribing to my site. As I like to do when I post new work I’m shooting out this quick note to let you all
Sets of Raising Stakes now availableSets of Raising Stakes now available
Greeting to all of you subscribing to my website. As some of you may know I recently taught a couple workshops focused on raising a vessel. I haven’t taught this
New Vessels AvailableNew Vessels Available
Greetings to all of you subscribing to my website. Just a quick note today about a couple things that might interest you. First, I’ve finished a small batch of new
The Huang Embossing HammersThe Huang Embossing Hammers
Greetings to all you, my wonderful subscribers. I’ve got a couple things to share today that might be of interest to you. First I’m excited to announce that I’ve just
New Workshops Posted!New Workshops Posted!
Greetings to all of you subscribing to my website! As always I thank you for your interest in what I’m doing. Today I wanted to let you know I’ve just
A Few New PiecesA Few New Pieces
Greetings everyone. Thanks as always for subscribing to my website and being interested in what I do. Last night I finished up and posted 3 new Luminous Relic pieces and
New Group of VesselsNew Group of Vessels
Greetings everyone. Thanks as always for subscribing to my website and being interested in what I do. Tonight I’m sending out this short note to let you all know I’ve