David Huang Uncategorized New Body of Work Underway

New Body of Work Underway

Greetings to all of you subscribing to my site. As always I thank you for your interest in what I’m doing.

You haven’t seen much in the way of new vessels from me recently because I’ve been struggling to get a new body of work going. It’s still a struggle, and I’m not yet happy with what I have, but I’m committing myself to give this a significant chunk of my time and energy, possibly as much as a year. With this much effort going into it I feel like I should also put in some time trying to document the process, the struggles and hopefully the eventual successes. To this end I have started a new section on my website for this. At this point there is not a lot there in terms of images, though I did post a couple very short videos late last night. Hopefully what I have up can give you at least an inkling of what I’m planning and striving to create. If you want to check out this new section it is called Documenting the Development of a new Body of Work, and filed in the Metalsmithing Studio section.

I feel I should note that I don’t want to completely quit making vessels. The time I spend on them and the number produced will just be severely reduced for a while.

Oh, one last blatant sales pitch to finish this post. The holidays are coming up and if you are into gift giving and know anyone interested in jigsaw puzzles I invite you to consider the ones I have produced.

Again, thanks for your interest in my work. Take care everyone!

Please leave a comment if you feel inspired to.

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