Greetings to all of you subscribing to my website. Just a quick note today about a couple things that might interest you. First, I’ve finished a small batch of new work and got them posted on the site in case you want to check them out. There are some nice chased pieces and some Luminosity pieces with pretty sweet patinas, in my opinion anyway. If you’d like to see them you can find them on my site here or here. The new pieces are all the ones numbered in their titles from 1827 on.
The second bit of news is that because enough people signed up to be on the waiting list for my 3-day vessel raising workshop happening in October the host venue, Urban Metal Studio, and I decided to open up a second 3-day vessel raising workshop. This new one happens right after the other workshops, Oct. 27-29, 2022. Now that all those on the waiting list have had a chance to sign up we are opening it up to anyone else to fill the remaining spots. If you are interested you can find more info on my site here, or you can also go right to the sign up page at Urban Metal Studio’s site.
As always, thank you for your interest in what I do. I hope everyone is having a great summer!