Thanks to all of you who have subscribed to my website wishing to be notified whenever I post new content. A quirky thing about the software this site is now running under is that it only sends those notifications when I make what is known as a “post”. A common example would be a “blog post”. On this site I don’t really intend to publish blog posts. For that I’ll be using my blog site, Notes from the Artists Homestead, which I welcome you to subscribe to as well should you wish.
Here on this website I intend to publish my material mostly as what are known as “pages”, which the software better allows me to arrange and build into the sort of site you see here.
Anyway, the quirk is that this software also only notifies you of new posts, not pages. So if I’m basically just publishing “pages” then you would never get notified of new content, making it pointless to subscribe to my site! I’m absolutely delighted people want to subscribe and hear when I put up new stuff so I’ve got to have a way to let you know. The obvious way would be to “post” a new message when I publish a new “page” or make a significant alteration of a page. (I don’t think you all really want to know every time I mark a vessel as sold and move it to the “vessels sold” section, or every time I fix a typo!)
So when I put up a new batch of work, publish a new photo documentation series, or something along those lines I will send out a short message telling you what’s new.
Ok, with all that said, the main reason I’m sending out this message today is that I have in fact started a major new page under the “Metalsmithing Studio” section. On my previous iteration of this site I had several sections where I photo documented the making of a piece from start to finish. While these take quite a bit of effort to produce I’ve always gotten a lot of feedback of how much they were appreciated, making that effort worthwhile. So I decided I’d better make a new version for the new website! Tonight I got the initial part published for “Start to Finish: Making Luminous Relic #1752”. This will be an ongoing project, with more images and comments being added to the page until I’ve actually finished the vessel. So if you find it interesting be sure to check back in the coming days to follow along. I’ll probably send out another message when the whole thing is done for those of you who would rather just wait until you can see it all together.
Thank you very much for your interest in what I do!!