Greetings all! Just a quick note to give you a heads up that I have a new workshop posted and open for registration. It is an intermediate / advanced vessel
Author: huang
New work postedNew work posted
Hello to all my subscribers! Thank you all for your interest in what I do. I wanted to shoot out a quick note this morning to let you know I’ve
I’ve Finished a New Batch of VesselsI’ve Finished a New Batch of Vessels
Greetings to all of you who subscribe to my website! It’s been a long time it seems since I’ve finished up a batch of new vessels, but at last I
Sorry everyone. The link to my page about upcoming workshops in my last note was wrong. Doh!! Here is the right one: Again, thanks everyone for your interest in
Alert: new workshops happeningAlert: new workshops happening
Greetings to all you who have subscribed to my website, and welcome to the new subscribers since I last posted a note! It’s been a crazy time this past year
New Vessels!New Vessels!
Greetings everyone. Just a quick note today. Should you be interested I’ve actually finished a small batch of new vessels! It’s been a long time. In fact my records indicate
Chance to win a mokume puzzle pinChance to win a mokume puzzle pin
Greetings to all you subscribing to my site! I hope all my US subscribers had a good Thanksgiving holiday yesterday. (and I hope everyone else just had a good day!)
New Body of Work UnderwayNew Body of Work Underway
Greetings to all of you subscribing to my site. As always I thank you for your interest in what I’m doing. You haven’t seen much in the way of new
Loose Hammerhead SolutionLoose Hammerhead Solution
Here’s a quick note to all of you subscribing to my website. I just finished reconstructing a page about my simple, cheap fix for loose hammerheads. On the old version