Greetings, and thanks to you all for subscribing to my website! I’m making this short post today to let you know I just put a new page up on the site about a new signature raising hammer I’ve developed with Saign Charlestein. If you are interested in learning more about it here is a link directly to that page.
I hope everyone has been staying well during these challenging and trying times. The stay at home orders due to the virus have been lifted here in my area and it was nice to get together with a friend yesterday for a while.
Take care everyone!
I cannot read the orange lettering. Blends into background. I have a Samsung note 10, modern phone. Hammer looks great. Love your work.
Thanks for the feedback Toby. I’ve struggled hard to get a decent contrast on the lettering. I may have to revisit that and struggle a bit more.
I am pretty pleased with this hammer!! 🙂