Greetings to all you wonderful folks subscribing to my site!
I’ve got a few things to share with you this evening. First, the most exciting news is that I’ve finished up a new batch of vessels! Looking at my records it’s been a bit over 6 months since I’ve completed a group. Yikes! It was certainly satisfying to see all these I’ve had in process for so long come to fruition. They really transform when rims, patinas, and gold leaf get added. If you’d like to see images of the new work you can find them either in the Vessels Available section or this section of the E-commerce area. If you go to the Vessels Available zone they will likely show up first, but if you click the “shelf” button you can filter for all pieces here at home with me on my shelf. Pretty much everything you see will be new work other than a few collaborative mokume gane pieces from my ongoing series with David Barnhill. The same holds true if you go to the e-commerce section. Prior to finishing up this group I was basically out of stock here at home.
In sad news my Chicago gallery, Vale Craft Gallery, has closed its doors. Peter had been in business for 30 years and decided that when his lease came up it was time to retire. A big thanks to Peter Vale and everyone who has worked there over the years for the decades of representation they’ve given my work. I think I’ve been with them about 20 years give or take. If you look at the new work I have here at home you’ll notice a couple piece with lower numbers, 1493 and 1639. They did have a successful end of business sale and so those two pieces are the only ones they had to return unsold. In a matter of nice timing I just got them back today while I was updating the website with the new work. I feel like they are great pieces, just still searching for their home.
My final bit of news is that I’ll be off this coming weekend to teach a pre-conference workshop for the Colorado Metalsmiths Association. The workshop is sold out. I always find it reassuring when my classes sell out. I suspect I’ll be seeing some of you getting this message in class! 🙂 After the workshop I’ll be one of the keynote presenters at the CoMA conference happening July 15-17 in Fort Collins, CO. If anyone is interested you can still sign up for that. Past conferences by them that I’ve been to have been fabulous. I’m sure this one will be as well. I know a few of the other presenters so I’m certainly looking forward to it.
As a heads up though I will let you know that I plan to bring most of this new batch of work with me on my Colorado trip. In order to avoid having someone purchase a piece on-line while I might be selling it in person I will likely be marking all the pieces “out of stock” just before I go. That means all you subscribing to my website are getting first shot at them, but if you see a piece that grabs you, don’t wait too long!
Thank you for your continued interest in what I do. To everyone in the USA, I hope you have a happy Fourth of July. I hear fireworks going off outside as I type this.
Best regards,
David Huang
Thanks so much.