David Huang Uncategorized New workshop posted

New workshop posted

Greetings to all of you subscribing to my website. Thanks for your interest in what I do.

In my last note I mentioned that I had a workshop in Colorado planned but it wasn’t yet ready for registration. Well, it took longer than I anticipated for all the details to get finalized, but at last it is open for students to sign up. This is being hosted by CoMA (Colorado Metalsmithing Association). They have invited me to be a presenter at their annual conference this year, which I’m very much looking forward to. As part of this I will also be doing a pre-conference workshop. It will be a 5-day class focused on raising and chasing a vessel form. You do NOT need to be a CoMA member or attend the conference. The workshop is open to everyone, and all skill levels. It will take place July 9-13 at Arapahoe Community College in Littleton, CO (Denver area).

Anyway, I now have my blurb about this class up on my Workshops page. If you’d prefer, here is a direct link straight to the CoMA website where you can sign up.

If you are interested in attending their annual conference where I’ll be speaking here is a link to that.

As things currently stand what is now up on my Workshops page are all the classes I am planning to do this year. If you are interested in taking a class I hope one of them will work for you.

Please leave a comment if you feel inspired to.

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Sorry everyone. The link to my page about upcoming workshops in my last note was wrong. Doh!! Here is the right one: https://davidhuang.org/general-information/workshops/ Again, thanks everyone for your interest in